Rerouting Wanderlust In The AE

15 Backpack Essentials for Hiking

15 Backpack Essentials for Hiking

If you’re planning a hike or a trek into the UAE’s great outdoors, there are a bunch of handy things you should equip yourself with. There’ve been a lot of times where we found ourselves in a bit of a pickle because we forgot to carry some of what we’ve now deemed our backpack essentials. Bear in mind this is in no way an extensive list so feel free to add or remove anything from this list that does not suit your needs.


1. Water

The amount of water you carry depends on the length of your hike/trek. It’s advisable to carry at least a half litre per hour you plan on hiking so that you are properly hydrated. Avoid lugging around the heavy metal bottles as they add unnecessary weight to your bag and opt for the reusable plastic bottles. Our Camelbak’s have yet to let us down.


2. First-Aid Kit

It’s very common to nick yourself on a hike given the number of thorny plants that cover the mountainous desert areas. It’s best to carry band-aids, antiseptic wipes, Panadol, hand sanitizer, and mosquito repellent cream. These are just some of the things we found to be helpful on our trips, but if you have any other ailments, please consult your healthcare practitioner before going on such a trip.


3. Phone (Charger + Power Bank)

If you are going to be using your phone to follow your hiking route, like we do, you need to make sure your phone is fully charged and also carry a power bank. You don’t want to find yourself lost somewhere with no way of reaching out for help. It could also help to hike with a small group so resources are plenty if you ever get stuck. Cover your back by letting someone know the duration and route of your hike incase of any emergencies.


4. Snacks

Plan to take some protein snack bars or fruit to keep you going on your hike. Trail mix or assorted nuts are also a good easy snack to take on hikes. We love our snack breaks so we carry a range of biscuits, snack bars, nuts, fruit, and chocolates.


5. Multi-tool

A Swiss army knife or a multi-tool can prove to be quite the handy tool in the outdoors, in case of an emergency or if you need a snack break, etc. 


6. Flashlight/Head Torch

If you are planning a hike in the afternoon, you may want to carry a flashlight in case you lose sunlight, so that your path is well lit. 


7. Extra Tee

Everyone knows how sweaty a hike can get, so do yourself a favor and pack an extra t-shirt to change into after the hike. 


8. Sun Protection

If you’re hiking in the UAE, you must be familiar with the blistering heat we are almost always frequented with. It’s good practice to keep some sunscreen in your backpack, along with a cap for some extra shade from those harsh UV rays.


9. Wallet

While it may not be advisable to carry around all your bank cards on a hike, people generally forget to carry their IDs and money, just in case. You should always have your ID on you in case of an emergency along with a bit of cash. 


10. Toilet Paper/Wet Wipes

We’ve found these to be quite handy on our hikes because you might need to take a leak, amongst other things.


11. Garbage Bag

It’s very important to preserve the state of the environment you hike in and to carry a small garbage bag to dump your trash and waste materials into. We have a habit of picking up after other people as well when we see trash on the trail. 


12. Bug Spray

In this hot weather, you’re most likely going to encounter your fair share of mosquitoes on your hikes. We’ve found it helpful to carry some bug spray to remedy this situation. 


13. Walkie-talkies

This might not suit everyone, especially if you are in a smaller group. When we hike in a large group we carry walkie-talkies to keep a line of communication in case hikers wander off. It’s also fun if you like to have a special walkie nickname! 


14. GoPro/Camera

Some people would just make do with their phones, but we also carry a GoPro to make sure we capture all the views on a hike. 


15. Foldable Mat

This is a luxury item on a hike and not at all essential, but we carry this for when we find a nice mountain peak to set up camp on and have a nice mid-hike snack.


These are most of the things you can find in our backpacks before we set out on a hike. If you found something on this list you don’t currently have on yours, give it a shot. Happy hiking!  

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