Rerouting Wanderlust In The AE

10 Must-Have Items for Your Hiking First Aid Kit

Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash

Hiking is a great activity for getting outside, exercising, and discovering new locations. Accidents can occur, though, regardless of your level of preparation or experience. In every outdoor expedition, a first aid kit must be carried and easily available for any situation. You’ll find a list of items to put in a first aid kit for hiking that we recommend you start off with and add onto.

1. Basic Supplies

Adhesive bandages, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, and medical tape should all be included in every first aid kit. These items are used to treat and conceal small cuts, scrapes, and wounds.

2. Standard Medications

When it comes to treating minor illnesses or managing discomfort, over-the-counter meds can help manage these situations before they become annoying while out on an adventure. Ibuprofen, antihistamines, and anti-diarrheal drugs are a few drugs to take into consideration.

3. Emergency Medications

For those with pre-existing medical conditions, it’s important to bring emergency medications. This can include an epinephrine auto-injector for severe allergic reactions, inhalers for those with asthma, and nitroglycerin for those with heart conditions.

4. Burn Treatment

Burn treatment is a crucial part of any first aid kit, especially when hiking or camping. This can include burn gel, aloe vera, or even a burn dressing.

5. Blister Treatment

Blisters are a common issue when hiking, so it’s important to have supplies on hand to treat them. This can include moleskin, blister pads, or even duct tape.

6. Emergency Blanket

An emergency blanket can be a lifesaver in case of hypothermia or shock. These blankets are lightweight, compact, and can retain up to 90% of body heat.

7. Tools

In addition to medical supplies, it’s important to bring tools such as scissors, tweezers, and a knife. These tools can be used for cutting tape or removing splinters.

8. Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment such as gloves, face masks, or eye protection can be useful when treating wounds or coming into contact with contaminated items.

9. Emergency Whistle

An emergency whistle is a great tool for attracting attention in case of an emergency.

10. First Aid Manual

Finally, a first aid manual is a great addition to any first aid kit. It can provide guidance on how to treat injuries or illnesses when professional medical help isn’t available.


In conclusion, a well-stocked first aid kit can be a lifesaver when hiking or engaging in any outdoor adventure. By including these items in your first aid kit, you’ll be prepared to handle minor injuries or illnesses and potentially even save a life. So, before your next hike, make sure to pack a first aid kit with these essential supplies and enjoy your outdoor adventure with peace of mind.

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